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Frequent Questions on Botox and Fillers
by Dr Matthew Yap | 6 Aug 2018


Qn: At what age should one consider botox and fillers?
Dr Matthew Yap: Jaw slimming botox and dermal fillers can be used to sculpt your face from as early as 18 years old.

Qn: How long should one wait after giving birth before doing botox and fillers?
Dr Matthew Yap:  Botox and fillers can be done a few weeks after giving birth. 

No studies have been done to establish the safety of botox and fillers during breastfeeding.

To be absolutely safe, it is best to do botox and fillers after mothers have stopped breastfeeding.

Qn: How long do botox and fillers last?
Dr Matthew Yap: Botox on upper face typically lasts around 3 to 4 months. Jaw Botox typically lasts around 4 to 6 months.

Qn: How often do we need to do Botox? Will the shape of our face change if we stop botox?

Dr Matthew Yap: Upper face botox can be done every 3 to 4 months for maintenance. Jaw botox can be done every 5 to 6 months.
Once we stop botox, our face will gradually return to its original state. Most times, we will experience residual benefits such as fewer wrinkles and a slimmer jawline compared to before.


Botox is good for deep set, stubborn wrinkles like forehead lines or crows feet.

It is also extremely popular for jaw slimming n skin tightening amongst younger ladies.

The frequency of botox injections depends on individual patient anatomy and condition.



  1. Patients with large masseters may benefit from 2-3 injections of Botox every 4 months to get better and longer lasting results.

  2. Patients with mild crows feet may need just need maintenance doses every 4 to 6 months.


If a girl has done jaw botox once and stopped, her jaw muscles may start to grow back after 3 to 4 months when the effects of Botox wear off. She may notice her jawline becoming more squarish, that's when she may need another dose of botox to maintain a sharper V-shaped jawline.


After 2 to 3 doses of Botox, muscles tend to atrophy and she would be able to maintain her defined jawline for a longer period of 1 to 3 years.


After that natural ageing kicks in, genes switch on/off and bones start to shrink once we hit our 30s.

Our faces are constantly changing shape as we age, with or without botox. In general, our faces become rounder n less defined as we age and bone resorption occurs. Old people tend to have smaller faces, uneven sagging and deep wrinkles.


  • Jaw Masseter Botox is also good for teeth grinders. It helps to relax tense masseter muscles and protects teeth from wear and tear. It can also help to relieve pain and tension after a night of teeth grinding.

  • Botox is also used to treat excessive sweating of the armpits, migraines, neck and shoulder pains and other medical conditions



Fillers Can Be Used For:



  • Sculpting the nose and chin

  • Adding more definition to the chin and cheekbones

  • Softening and feminizing areas which are too bony

  • Creating an overall harmony of the face to make one look less sad, tired and angry


  • Restore volume loss and sagging due to ageing

  • Redefining the cheeks, chin and nose to make them more chiselled

  • Redefining the jawline and making it more masculine by replacing volume loss due to bone ageing/resorption

Fillers last around 6 to 24 months. Repeated dosages 6 monthly increase the longevity of fillers and they can last up 3 to 5 years.



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Myeongdong Medical & Aesthetics

10 Sinaran Drive #11-05 Novena Medical Center 

Singapore 307506

Tel : +65 9750 4390



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